Travel Stories

If you are a solo traveler, an interested person in helping women travel more, have a story and an Itinerary you want to submit – just let us know.

We ask that you provide a map as proof that you took the trip – something that shows You Did It.

Travel Stories

Submit a post, story or advice to contact us.
You can also use the form at the bottom of every page.

All the information you will need to submit Travel Stories or advice is on the contact submission page.

Your Stories Can Help Others

The story needs a big message that applies to all and that is helpful and positive.

  • Don’t trash others
  • Don’t write things that aren’t factual
  • Care about others and try to do no harm
  • We want to save time for women when traveling
  • We want help women to save money when going

The women who are our audience may have a partner or friend they like to travel with, or they may like to go alone, but part of a small group, or tour or they may like to travel alone like I do. Any of these scenario’s work for our readers and they help feel the need and make the trip their own but use your help with planning and estimating costs of the journey.

We will have a form that you can submit your itinerary and story idea. You will receive an alias, and email and away you will go being part of our community.

We are looking forward to hearing from you to make this the best site ever.